ATTENTION : Halloween is posponed due to the unavoidable situation of the all hantus..

"Hahaha... Camna nak celebrate halloween? Hantu semua kena ikat. Lepas raya je la boleh celebrate. OK tak?"

That's not really want I to write about. But, in the name of spooky, this week theme in most blogs is either melancholic or related to M Nasir and his work. Yes, I found interesting story about this ex-boss of mine in Ninie's blog. Than went through Yamm's blog and read about how his song is haunting her mind till now. I guess lovely melody, combines with beautiful lyrics can affect our mind as it will get our heart to love it.

From what I experienced, people in Luncai Emas are talented in doing so. From M Nasir, S Amin Shahab, Loloq , Seth.. to the new batch such as Tam Spider , Nafie and Mail. All groomed to be talented in a very intelligent way for music.

Here are a few of what we call "ayat power" in their songs..

"Jika ini hakikatnya
Aku serahkan jiwa dan ragaku
Menantimu walau sengsara
Jika ini ketentuannya

Jika ini hakikatnya
Aku serahkan jiwa dan raga
Jika ini ketentuannya
Kau kan jadi milikku jua..."

from : Bagaikan Sakti (OST Puteri Gunung Ledang : 2004)

"Biar malam mentertawakan aku,
Biar habis badanku dimamah rindu,
Namun membiarkan ingatanku luput dari mengenangmu,
Itu sama sekali takkan ku lakukan"

"Habis apa lagi yg harus kuhadapi,
Untuk memiliki jiwa sepertimu kasih,
Dalam seribu tak bisa ku temu,
Sejuta hanya satu,
Mimpikah aku kali ini?"

from : Aduhai Kasih Aduhai (Canggung Mendonan : 1994)

"Dan jika kudiberi pilihan, sayang
Antara seluruh harta dunia dan engkau, sayang
Sedikit pun tak berganjak, sayang
Kau tetap pilihanku..."

from : Semakin Nyata (Solo : 1988)

OK. I'll stop here before I got anybody feeling all melancholic and lying on the bed alone while staring at the ceiling and think about nothing else (and yes, tangan atas dahi dan mengeluh ala drama melayu).. Or get anybody all puked up. Either way, Bahasa Melayu is a beautiful languange. It does express emotions in a beautiful way. Maybe we should realise that..

SO... Which malay lyrics affect you most? I would love to know.

TRICK OR TREAT people....
