Kick-Off 2005

We had one leg into the finals, we hesitated and suddenly we lose our ticket and gave it to the Indonesian team. That's what happen to the Malaysian soccer team. I've assume this would happen at the first leg of the semi final where they go against the Indonesian side at Senayan Stadium. Indonesian did show a much balance and consistent team with skills way much better than the Malaysian team but somehow, the Malaysian team prove me wrong and came back winning the game after being left a goal behind.

Last night, with the advantage of playing at home ground. They prove people wring again. Just as we thought they would hold on defending the score and ensuring the ticket to the final, the lose it in a humiliating 4-1 defeat. What's worse is the stadium is filled with Malaysian fans who almost have no faith on the team before this.

What went wrong? It's your home ground, in front of many of your own fans and playing with an advantage score in hand. What happened to the team?

Here's my guess of excuses (based on previous excuses we've heard from the Malaysian soccer news)

1. The coach is not competent enough (as what they said to Claude Le Roy before who then brought Senegal to World Cup Final)

2. The team was nervous playing in front of huge crowd (oh.. really??)

3. "Kena buatan orang.." (now where did I heard that it at a wedding or something like that..)

Whatever the reasons are. Buck up Malaysian Team. Enough with stupid humiliation you've caused. We don't mind losing if you fight hard enough to win. But, judging from last night's game, you didn't work hard enough. Maybe some allowance and benefit cut would do the trick. It would be worth to spend it to the Tsunami victims.

Anyway, just admit it. Indonesian team is a much better side. Isn't it?


p.s I wonder if last night's ticket collection would be shared with the Tsunami Disaster Fund...
