Ugly Malaysians.. Are we?

No, I'm not making a parody of the upcoming reality show on 8tv. And No, I'm not trying to promote any makeover services..

Bump into this article on The Sunday Times last weekend with the title 'Rumour and the Ugly Malaysian'. The article discussing around the issue of rumours, being the rumour-monger and how most foreign diplomats sees us as being 'obsessed with rumours'
It is not the first time. And it will not be the last. Rumour mongering is an age-old affliction affecting every society. Only, in Malaysia, we seem to have too much of it.

Somehow, I found myself agreeing to his statement.

Written by the Chief Editor of The Sunday Times, he also added in the later in the article..
This is a country that has a large share of people ready to believe in anything, and this is a country where there is a larger proportion than norm of people who take delight in spreading vile rumours and slander.
Again, I found myself agreeing to his statement.

Maybe it's time for all of us to think deeper and educate ourselves in selecting any info we receive by judging the merit of it's content. Yes, at most time small issues which are too small to make a big fuss, end up being a hot topic to talk about due to unnecessary addition to the info just 'to spice things up'

They may wonder what makes most of us 'obsessed' over rumours. My best bet to this answer would be .. our own proveb stating "the tree would shake if there's no wind blowing".. and unconciously through tradition we believe that "it must be the wind every time we see the tree shaking" without realising that in this world of many virtual and artificial product.. "the tree might shake coz there's a bunch of stupid monkeys shaking the tree really hard right under the tree".. or maybe.."the tree does not exist at all.. it's just another halogram design"
Come on.. we have other better things to do than this. Let's just move on by thinking of something better for us to do rather than bringing down others.. shall we?

