It's not that bad isn't it?

Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong

Just want to let this out off the chest...

Life may seems unfair, but that's what makes it exciting. Isn't it? I mean, look at it in a different view.. If we've not been tested through hardship of life, if we're not been tested by God, we're definitely not what we are now? So, if we learn from it, we'll be better in any angles of life. And if we don't learn from it... maybe we'll be those cowards who turns bad and start blaming everything else in these world for not treating us nicely.

The truth is.. to hell with everything else. We are what we make of ourselves. And if the malay saying "Kubur masing-masing", then it would also best meant "and so does what you make out of your life.."

As long as we believe that the sun will always shine after the rain. As long as we believe that there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Then, there's always chances that our lives will be better after every hiccups of life.

Don't you think so? Then live..

p.s Al-Fatihah to Allahyarhamah Datin Seri Endon. May Allah blessed her souls. Have a blessed weekend evrybody.
