Make your choice..

This life, it's more challenging than before. It's definitely much trickier than before. With more choices to make, more issues to think of, more decision making within the same old 24 hours, 365 days a year that been given to us.

Sometimes I wonder. How do we actually define the term 'trend'. Is it a very subjective matter that there's no single way to define it?

If it so, then how does the world agree without debate or discussion in deciding which trend is 'in' at the moment and what's not? How do we ever come to an agreeable decision that 'this is a year of multicoloured style' or 'this is a year to wear everything short.' or maybe 'this is a year all of us just not wear anything at all'.

and if, trend is set for a particular year, who actually decides on the trend for the world? Who have the authority to make the call and instruct us 'not to wear jeans anymore because this year is the year if wearing plastic bags on your head, and only plastic bags' ? If God already give us free will to choose.. then why do we still have some unidentified authority to tell us what we should do and what we should not do anymore.. (I'm sure God did not instruct us to change trends every year according to catalog..)

Whatever it is.. I still wonder. If that's all that matters in life, then maybe it is better for us to be born without brains and heart. Making it easier to just follow all those 'instructions' without questions. Right?

Should I be stupify by all these and just follow? Or maybe it's better to be like in the movie, Matrix.. Get out of the system that's been running by 'machines'..

The Red Pill or The Blue Pill.
I've chosen mine.

p.s RAMADHAN AL MUBARAK EVERYBODY..I hope I make any sense to you here..
