Start holding on, keep holding on (to your dreams..)

End of the month. What can I say? It has been a very laid back month. 'Laid back' is not really the exact word to describe it. 'Dazed and Confused' is more appropriate. Let's just leave that as it is..

When people take on a mission to make a significant improvements in their life, they don't decide to do that for no particular reason. There must be a strong reason for them to do whatever it takes to achieve whatever they dream for.

The journey to a better life is not a smooth one. THAT they are aware of. The start of making significant changes to pursue those dreams is as hard as trying to accept the fact that whatever you've learned and experienced in life before this is no longer valid and you need a new set of knowledge.

More than often, you WILL fail in your attempts. Not just a couple of times but you'll fail more than anybody could bear. Sometimes you fail because you did not do it right. Sometimes you fail because you did the right thing but it's not precise enough. And those failures will keep testing your faith and your determination towards achieving your dreams.

So, what would you do? Give up and go back to that old life you hated.. (At least the rest of your friends who did not support you will accept you back as another mediocre member of the community) OR Stay strong, stay focus, take a deep breath, get the mind and body moving again.

WHATEVER YOU THINK YOU ARE... YOU ARE RIGHT!! (Even if you think you are a loser who can't have any great things in life)

Because you are what you perceive.

May you have the passion, the determination, the courage, the grace and the will to express whatever your dreams would be. AND JUST GO FOR IT.. Failures is NOTHING..

While you're at it, watch this video and give it a thought.

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause it's all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you stand

p.s I'll be heading south to JB and Kota Tinggi this weekend. You want to see people with strong heart and mind.. Go to Kota Tinggi.
