Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan..

Raja Nazrin's Speech at The First Malaysian Student Leaders Summit made the front page of the NST earlier this week. The speech have more truth in it than any other news that made the front cover of any daily newspaper.

Yes, truth hurts. But, you how long will we deny that the nation are at a critical level as far as unity, racial harmony and solidarity are concerned?

I'm not sure how did we get astray from our core values of living in multiracial harmony that used to be our pride to the world, but things are getting worse by the day.

I remember back, not to long ago :-

1. A sport event involving our national team would be taken very seriously. We would make time to cheer and support them. Even if it's only in front of the TV set, the event would definitely be a family affair. We scream with joy if they win and we cry when they lose. But we still love them for putting a good fight in the name of our country.

2. I remember when we took pride in speaking Bahasa Malaysia. No one would regard it as Bahasa Melayu, (even malays have their different dialects) THIS IS BAHASA MALAYSIA which originates from Bahasa Melayu, but developed as such that no malay quarters can claimed it as their exclusive language. And we see, other races speaking the same language fluently (sometimes even better than malays). We have singers from all races singing in Bahasa Malaysia. We have speakers and debaters that could speak Bahasa Malaysia from all walks of life and proud to call the language as their language.

3. I remember the time when we share our dream to make it big outside Malaysia together so that we could proudly say "This is how it's done in Malaysia"

4. I remember when media and broadcast company have the dream to produce contents from Malaysia that could easily syndicated to the rest of the world for it's substance. Documentaries, talkshows or even entertainment that are unique and great to the world.

5. I remember we used to have our own principles and we will stand by it. No other nation can dictates what we should do and what we should not do simply because we understand ourselves better. And because we know, if given a chance, we will show them why we act with those principles.

That was back then. Maybe all that unity and solidarity issues is not our main concern because it's not easy to make big bucks from it. Maybe we should all learn from the countries that loves to create wars from small fries. After all, that should be cool and make us look as if we're up to date with trends... Right?

I don't know. I'm just one person. What about you?

I was visiting the zoo with Murni's nephews when I read this speech and it's ironic to see the animals there are more civilised then the humans outside their shelter.

Come on. Admit that we do need to get back on track as Malaysians. Mend those differences and just focus on what we share in common. Before, it's too late.

Dimana bumi dipijak
Disitu langit ku junjung
Alang-alang menyeluk pekasam
Biar sampai ke pangkal lengan.

p.s May the video helps to bring back the spirit in you..
