What's a Perfect Marriage.... Scientifically???

Come across this article. Funny though when I did say earlier Love is not something you can scientifically calculate. Somebody in UK did formulate a calculation for perfect marriage.. (thanks Lisa for pointing out this funny article)

GO ON... READ...

Why 32+27=A Perfect Marriage

Finding the perfect partner is only part of the equation for a perfect marriage. Turns out that if you want a life of wedded bliss, you must also marry at the optimum age.

And what is that age? According to a researcher in Great Britain, the answer is right here: M=Y+(1/e[X-Y]). That computes to 32 years old for men and 27 years old for women, reports London's Evening Standard.

This unusual bit of math wizardry is the handiwork of statistician Dennis Lindley, a professor at London's University College. He is confident his formula is so accurate that he says it will save marriages and reduce the divorce rate. If men and women know the optimum age at which to stop playing the field and start settling down, then they won't marry too soon or wait too long and be doomed to a loveless life.

This is his mathematical logic, according to the Evening Standard: To find an optimum marriageable age, subtract the earliest age at which you start looking for a partner (the professor assumes 16) from the latest age you would expect to marry (he says 60 for men, 46 for women), multiply it by a logarithmic formula (which works out at 0.36), and then add it again to your starting age.

FOR MEN:60-16=44
44 x 0.36=15.84

33 x 0.36=10.8

The mathematician turned love counselor advises, "In the run-in period, men are learning about ladies. But they mustn't do this for too long." Thirty-two years to be exact.


p.s.. So, if according to this.. I have another 2 years to go then.. AND I should find somebody who'll be 27 in 2 years.. woohooo... calculative indeed. :)

