An attempt to make sense out of something

Kids are imaginative aren't they? I mean, we're kids once (some of us are still kids till now) right? Remember how imaginaive and creative we are back then? How a huge box can end up being a car, a hut or even table to us? Remember how a badminton racket can turn into a guitar or machine gun? It's amazing how creative we can be as kids right?

Along the way, we pick up new stuffs, learn new knowledge, understand the meaning of logic thinking and suddenly, creativity is no longer a part of our life.

I remember how as kids, we tend to imitate anything we saw that excites us. My youngest brother (now 25), make an effort to climb to the top shelve of our build-in cabinet at the age of 3, just to grab all our passports and start imagining himself as an immigration officer and stamp all our passports (which got my dad in a huge problem dealing with the immigration later..)

Some of us, even have imaginary friend. Not, just with a name and gender but that imaginary friend have a full personality.

So, as kids, we are creative and imaginative, what happen to all that? Why is it that some of us dare to say that they're not creative? Some even believe that to work in the creative industry, you must need a degree or masters in creativity (*duh*)

My wildest imagination as a kid would be thinking that the television is a device for us to see the other side of the world. I believe that if we can see people in UK or US thru the TV, they can also see us thru their TV. (which end up.. I take my bath with my cltthes on.. don;t want those people seeing me naked on TV)..

Back to the question, where have our creativity gone? Wht is it hard for many of us to play around with our imagination in managing daily routines and solving problems?

My ex-boss said to me once "Creativity is God given. You can learn creative thinking skills but in the end, creativity is God given" which I believe he's right on that.

So I've told you my wildest imagination as a kid. What's yours?

"It's easy if you try.. " - Imagine, John Lennon

