This would be my last entry for 2005. This might as well be a recap of happenings around me within this year.
It has been a great year. Full ups and down as usual, but as a whole, life has never been better. Either it is way better than before or maybe just slightly better is not an issue here. As long as there're progress in life, I'm thankful to God for the blessings I've received this year.
I've seen successes before my eyes with the friends from Bhumiband bagged 3 awards at the APM at the early part of the year. I'm also happy to know that I am a part of history that been made this year, directly or indirectly.
I've met so many long lost friends this year. Some that I've not met since graduation. I have to admit, I was the one who's been avoiding many of them due to my decision to take different path in life. At least now, they can see what I've become by chosing these paths. (There's reasons to all of it my friend)
Hey, I've also met new friends this year. From all over the place. Some that I met online (2/3 of my life spent online this year.. *I assume*), Some of you knew me face to face in the 'real' world..
To all of you. It has been wonderful knowing everybody. I hope it will not stop there.
2005 also give a distinctive mark to me and the team here. We started operating with a proper office on 1st January. Opening the year with only three of us in the company, with only 3 PCs, a printer, desks and a 14-inch TV in the office. A humble start for huge ambition to build what others think at that moment (maybe they still think..) crazy, ridiculous and impossible dream. Well, I'm proud to say that, this office will turn 1 this Sunday. Our crazy, ridiculous and impossible dream seems worth every risk and effort that we took. We're now with proper facilities, about 20-odd staffs and we don't think we have begin fully operational yet.. The best is yet to come.. and more surprises to go...
With that, I'm thankful to God, for my only resolution this year is to be better and keep seeking to be better. As far as I'm concern, I've achieved that.
I'll end this year's entry with a video. I personally like this video. It's a soundtrack for an Indinesian Movie 'GIE'.. and this is the lyric to end it all
akan aku telusuri
jalan yg setapak ini
semoga kutemukan jawaban..