I took somebody's advice to just go and take some time off for myself. Of course, with the situation that I'm going through at this moment, travel somewhere and take a vacation is not an option. So, I did the next best thing. Lying down on the couch with some snacks around and a few DVDs that I borrowed. My journey to the movieland starts..
I decided that in order be sure that I do take my time off from this activity, (active??) I should avoid watching any epic, action, sci-fi or thriller and stick to those comedy, life drama and some teen-flick. So I started with Madagascar, then Singles, the Perfect Man, Raise Your Voice, Elizabethtown and end up with Cinderella Man.
Alright, my plan worked at first, but the moment I watched Elizabethtown and Cinderella Man, it's already more than 24 hours indoor and on the couch, with the two movies got my mind thinking too much again.. especially with Elizabethtown.
Somehow, that movie just smacked my head hard, with the hope that I wake up and realise that life must move on a bit better from now..OK, I don't intend to explain that here in details, coz it's too personal to just talk about it to just anybody..
But, I recommend you Elizabethtown. Another Cameron Crowe's Film with Orlando Bloom and Kristen Dunst as the main cast.
"In that moment, I knew SUCCESS, not greatness was the only god the world served."
p.s Johore will be a Metropolis!! woohoo.. At last, a PM that actually care for people of Johore.. Thank you.