Half Full Glasses (I hope we see it that way..)

Congratulations!! You were picked by Time Magazine as The People of the Year for 2006.

In 2004, only bloggers are chosen as the People of the Year for their prompt and serious interactivity in relaying information and news to the world, especially during the Tsunami. This time all of you, the heavy users of the information superhighway are chosen. You are the true community of the information age.

"In 2006, the World Wide Web became a tool for bringing together the small contributions of millions of people and making them matter" as said by the writer, Lev Grossman.

It is you, fellow bloggers who keep the information fresh and rich on the cyberspace.

It is you, members of Myspace and Friendsters that makes everybody interacting with one another.

It is you, people of YouTube that makes the cyberspace exciting everyday.

You share content of various forms to the world. You showed a good example to the meaning of 'Interactive' and 'Multimedia'.

And most important of all, it is all of you who keep showing support and interest in this hi-tech medium of user-generated content.

Congratulations for proving to the world that the net is in fact a serious area to be in business. Hopefully, as we coming to the new year, more people would realise that the internet is not just a small insignificant playground. It is the new real-estate.

And hopefully, despite the MSC programmes and the urge for a more content-driven community by the government, the Malaysian Corporates would actually take action into these ventures and not playing the 'wait and see' game.

You can't see the true potential of this area until you are actively in one. To jump in only when you're sure it will make you rich is not how you should do it.

Congratulations again.. All fellow netizens.

When you're not feeling ugly
The world's not too much
Take the world upon your shoulders
Take the world upon your shoulders
And burn, burn, burn, burn, burn
Take the world upon your shoulders

Enjoy the video.

p.s Death toll from the flood in now increase to 6 people. Come on.. No charity concerts for the victims? International stars? Anybody?? ..
