The REAL bathroom song..

We all sing in the bathroom at least once in our lifetime. Some might even sing their hearts out in the bathroom while others may just hum to the tunes the loved. There are some songwriters who got their hit songs in the bathroom.

I'm not sure what's with the bathroom that gives certain magical sense to music, but this man got inspired and come up with this heartbreaking song in the bathroom. Not only that, he even recorded the song in the same bathroom after he sensed that he didn't get the same feel as how he sang in the bathroom.

Luckily, the house where he stayed could fit a piano in the bathroom and the recording ends up great as they want it.

This is the real bathroom single by James Blunt. A song he considers as the most personal to him. (I guess all things personal should be in the bathroom..)

Then again, all his lyrics are based on his personal experiences. (That's an idea actually, if you're already hurt badly, might as well make some money out of it..)

Goodbye my lover.. Watch this video and you can sense that he really meant every word in the lyric.

So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.


p.s Don't ask. I still wonder the size of the bathroom that could fit a piano in it. It's Hollywood.. they can even fit a home theater in the bathroom if they want to..
