What's your life purpose? There's a reason to everything. Everything happens for a reason. But, do you ever thought about (I do mean really give it a thought..)the reasons behind all the things that you've done, your daily activities and whatever things that you may do in the future?
Think about it. If every single life have it's purpose. What would yours be?
If there's a reason to all the doings that we do. Shouldn't all of us be conscious and fully aware of our daily activities and how it would either contribute to whatever the reason we're doing it OR it would float us away from our main purpose?
Too hard to comprehend? (OK. I am aware that being fluent in language does not mean having higher IQ..)
Let's make it simpler..
1. Why do you go to work? (only parrot can answer that in a cliche answer in less than 3 seconds.. just 'to make a living' does not count.)
2. Why do you work in whatever job that you are doing now? Do you really want to do that in life?
3. Do you (at least) have more satisfaction than having frustration in whatever you do now? Are you happy with your life now? (NOTE: 'I'm glad', 'boleh laa..' or 'it's OK' DOES NOT fall under HAPPY. Do not try to cheat your own life.)
4. If you're having difficulties answering the three question above. Would you want to think about it more seriously NOW?
You don't need to answer those questions to me. In fact, there's no right or wrong answer for it. (although our life have always drill us to give answer that satisfies the one asking..)
But please, do give it a thought. Answer it SINCERELY. See where you are in fulfilling your life purpose and how's your progress on that matter.
Be sincere about it. You're answering for yourself. At the very least, show respect to your own self by not cheating in answering the question. Your own self obviously knows that you cheat by giving safe and lame answers to those questions.
While living in denial and avoiding such issues can be very addictive to almost all of us, why don't we try to be really sober in life for once and take a good look at what we're doing and what we need to do.
How about self-honesty for once. Shall we?
Have a great Aidilfitri everybody. Be safe.
p.s If you still don't understand anything that I mention just now. (Tak, bukan bengap.. kurang mahir English je walaupun fasih..) Just click the video and maybe that would give you some idea.